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Do you need legal cover?

Its all Insurance June 04, 2019 By Budget Insurance

Facing legal action, being sued or having to represent yourself in court is not something anyone plans. These unwelcome situations are often sprung on us without warning and the consequences can be emotionally and financially exhausting.

While legal cover isn’t considered an absolute necessity, there are a number of reasons why it’s a good idea to add it to your insurance bundle.

What is legal cover?

Legal cover is a specific insurance product that covers the unexpected expenses that arise from a legal dispute.

As with all insurance products, there are different levels that come with different monthly premiums. You can be covered for basic legal advice, mediation (assistance with criminal, civil and family matters, and drafting of wills and contracts), or litigation (if you are involved in any criminal, civil or labour court proceedings).

Do I need legal cover?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Am I already covered? Check the fine print on your car insurance policy or home insurance policy and see whether legal expenses are already included or not.

Am I likely to need it? Although it’s impossible to know, anyone can find themselves in a day-to-day situation where they need a lawyer, such as unfair dismissal, being faced with an unpaid debt, or dealing with faulty maintenance work done on a property. Some people might have jobs or lifestyles that are more likely to require legal assistance at some point. Ask yourself whether it’s worth the added cost for extra peace of mind.

What does legal cover include?

Depending on the type of cover you choose, some of the benefits included are:

  • Telephonic legal advice
  • Drafting of agreements like wills or contracts of sale
  • Mediation in civil or family matters
  • Assistance with matters of identity theft
  • Representation for bail applications
  • Help with child custody and maintenance

The truth is that no-one expects to have to deal with legal action, but it can happen to anyone at any time. If you aren’t prepared for the legal fees, you will at least have peace of mind if you are covered.

The information contained in this article is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.

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