It’s not something that we ever want you to experience, but it’s something that we know we need to be prepared for if it does. Whether it’s a domestic abuse case, an assault or dealing with the aftermath after being in an armed robbery, you need to know that there is someone out there to help you in the form of trauma counselling. Which is why when you buy a Budget Insurance policy, you also get our added Assist Benefits.
Assist Benefits are an added benefit that you get when you take out a qualifying Budget policy. These benefits are there to help you out when you find yourself in a home, road or medical emergency, or even just need a little help with your admin. Whether it’s in your home, on the road or in a medical emergency. Assist Benefits include Home Assist, Trauma Assist, Medical Assist, Legal Assist and Entertainment Assist.
When you take out Budget Third-Party, Fire and Theft, Comprehensive Vehicle, Motorcycle, 4x4, Building, or Home Contents Insurance we’ll include Budget’s Assist Benefits.
Trauma happens when a person is exposed to a distressing situation that causes either physical or emotional after-effects. This can result in high levels of emotional, psychological, and physical distress. You don’t necessarily have to have been physically hurt to have experienced trauma. Emotional trauma is just as harmful as physical trauma.
Examples of potentially traumatic experiences include:
Natural disasters, such as bushfires or floods.
Being a victim of, or witness to, a crime, act of violence or armed robbery.
Being involved in, or witnessing, a serious car or transport accident.
Being in an airplane that is forced to make an emergency landing.
Being physically assaulted or witnessing an assault.
It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions following/during a distressing event.
With Budget’s Trauma Assist, we offer cover after certain traumatic events as well as counselling support. All emergencies, from attacks and hijackings to housebreaking, theft, medical emergencies and trauma counselling are handled with the best specialist care.
Trauma Assist operates through a nationwide network of over 110 recognised trauma centres. The Trauma Assist benefit provides you with access to:
Three face-to-face trauma counselling sessions in the event that you were a victim of a traumatic event like an assault, robbery, hijacking or other distressing events.
Assistance with courtroom preparation for witnesses/survivors. This includes talking you through the process of going to court, what to expect and general preparation of what you will need to do.
Referral to group therapy and support groups in your area to help you continue to receive ongoing support.
Accompaniment to ID parades and court hearings – someone who’s there to be of support and assistance as these can be daunting experiences and scary to go through alone.
Referral to a place of safety or shelter – for when you need to get out of a harmful/unhealthy environment to somewhere you can feel safe and secure.
Should you ever find yourself in a traumatic situation, Budget’s Trauma Assist can aid you with counselling sessions and referrals. You are never alone in your darkest hours – call 0860 10 42 11.
Life can be scary, which is why it’s nice having the comfort of knowing you have someone on the other end of your phone who can help you. Many traumatic events can have long-lasting effects on your emotional wellbeing. It’s important to seek help when you need it and go for trauma counselling and therapy to get you through the rough times. There’s no need to go through some of the most traumatic events of your life alone.
Get the comfort of knowing that there is someone there to help you in your time of need. Take out a Budget Insurance policy and get the added benefit of Trauma Assist. Our friendly consultants are ready to get you set up with Budget Insurance. Give us a call on 0861 00 13 53 or leave your details and we’ll call you back at no expense to you!
If you’re in a pickle and need assistance, call 0860 10 42 11.